What is Ethereum?

Launched in 2015, Ethereum is an open source decentralized software platform used for cryptocurrencies. cryptocurrency, ether, lets SmartContracts And distributed applications (ĐApps) can be built and run without downtime, fraud, manipulation, or interference from third parties.

Ethereum is not just a platform. but also a programming language. (Turing complete) running on the blockchain, which allows developers to build and publish distributed applications.


Major Issues

  • Etherium It is an open source computing platform and operating system.
  • There is also cryptocurrency associated with their own ether
  • One of the big projects around Ethereum is Microsoft’s partnership with ConsenSys

Understanding Ethereum

Applications running on Ethereum run on platform-specific cryptographic tokens. ether During 2014, Ethereum launched an Ether pre-sale which was met with overwhelming response. Ether is a vehicle for moving around on the Ethereum platform and is in demand by developers looking to develop and run internal applications Ethereum Ether is widely used for two purposes: it is traded as a crypto-currency exchange like other cryptocurrencies, and is used within Ethereum to run applications and even earn money from their work.

According to Ethereum, it can be used to “process, decentralize, secure, and exchange anything.” One of the big projects around Ethereum is Microsoft’s partnership with ConsenSys, which offers an “Ethereum Blockchain as a Service (EBaaS) on Microsoft Azure, so enterprise customers and cryptocurrencies are able to use it.” Developers can have a one-click cloud-based blockchain development environment.”

In 2016, Ethereum was split into two separate blockchains, Ethereum and Ethereum Classic, after a malicious actor stole more than $50 million that was raised on the DAO, a suite of smart contracts that originated from DAO’s software platform. Ethereum Ethereum New, a very hard alternative to traditional software that aims to protect against further malware attacks As of September 2019, Ethereum is the second largest virtual currency on the market after only Bitcoin. Ether currency more than bitcoin (about 14 or 15 seconds to bitcoin, close to 10 minutes uniform) and has more ether in circulation than bitcoin units.

Article Source – Investopedia.com