As a binary option market has grown, therefore, there is no need and demand for traders. Experienced customers are asking for options that are similar to traditional binary options. But allowed to trade in volume and market fluctuations The broker is eager to offer products that can be traded both in high fluctuating and volatile markets. From here, the “touch / non-touch” option occurred, which activates the trading, limited risks about the quantity and fluctuations.

One touch options explained 1

Tap Explain the options

The ‘Binary’ element of the One Touch option is still the same as the limited risk so that the “touch” option is finished with money. The value of the property must be touched or far more than obstacles (or ‘goals’) at least once before the expiration of the option.

In most cases, the broker level is determined by the broker. However, in some brokers, the trader can define obstacles. May be higher than the current asset value or may be lower The distance between the current asset value and the target price generally determines the payment structure. These images represent successful Touch and NO Touch trades.

One important difference of the touch option is that it can finish “as money” before the expiration time. If achieving Touch goals, the options will be paid out immediately. Regardless of what happens to the asset value later.


Traders who want to use the touch option must pay special attention to the selection of traders. First, some brokers are not offered. The option to tap other brokers is not special or a target level However, there are some brokers that provide a lot of flexibility. Here, traders can set their own target levels. This is a great opportunity to use advanced trading techniques. Touch option settings at various times to control risks and rewards can create confidence in trading. Traders can also set the top and bottom goals of the current value by creating the “tunnel” option.

When should the touch option be used?

Advanced traders will be able to use the One Touch option to be successful throughout the day so that others may have expertise. For example, the amount and fluctuations of the market may have significant changes after the disclosure of information or specific events. Similarly, the market may remain stable over a period of time before the announcement – and fluctuated after that. If traders feel that the trading volume is especially low or ultra-high, the touch option will help them with the status of that view.