Cryptocurrencies is mined in the network by generating new coins through This “mining” should best be described using the Bitcoin cryptocurrency, in principle every participant of the network can earn money mining with the corresponding Bitcoin address in order to participate in the mining process. Mines must meet various requirements.

“Mining” is the integrity of the required control function in blockchains because no third-party financial service providers or banks verify transactions in the system. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin cannot be issued twice, most frauds are not included in. Mining within the Bitcoin network ensures that all transactions are properly executed and recorded on the blockchain.

All transactions that occur within the network are transmitted to all network participants, so all users can participate in “block” and “block chain” calculations. Verify that users have been able to solve math problems related to tasks that are rewarded in the form of Bitcoins. Since the system requirements for Bitcoin are now very high, it is often not a single user. But the user pool or mining pool.

Generally speaking, mining

Especially newcomers to the industry tend to think that mining is all about creation. cryptocurrencies However, this is only partially correct. The main purpose of mining is to protect the blockchain called “miners.” It has the task of stabilizing the network by verifying and confirming new transactions. Each network participant can verify the transaction and summarize it in the new “blocks”. Complete blocks are then added to the blockchain as a “block chain” at all times. The mining process also ensures that there are no duplicate transactions on the network. Additionally, miners make sure that no one violates the rules of the protocol. network

Increase the difficulty level and reduce wages

The fact that mining is becoming more and more difficult for individuals as the system over time can mine less and less, this slows the growth of money until it eventually stalls, capable of generating 21 million bitcoins. This has been fixed in the protocol. Bitcoin It is believed that the last bitcoins are mined approx. 1597. However, experts assume that over 90 percent of all coins were minted 100 years ago.

The reduced bonus for creating new “blocks” means that mining is becoming more profitable, especially for individuals who only have low computational abilities, for the most part it is not possible to enter. participate in the mining process


Crypto Mining: Accurately Compare Cloud Mining Providers 1


Genesis Mining is the test winner of our provider comparison.

How can a person benefit from mining?

In the early days of Bitcoin cryptography (between 2009 and 2010), it was still possible to calculate blocks as ordinary computers using their own graphics cards in the Bitcoin network. However, in the meantime this is practically impossible as the computational power required for mining is too high for the average computer user. individual and profitable

  • Mining Pools: One possibility is to join so-called mining pools, these are networks that use common hash power to compute block pools to earn newly generated bitcoins. Mines differ primarily in size. But also in the category of remuneration for participants.
  • Automatic Mining: If you have proper mining hardware of course you can participate in the mining process alone, with the help of mining calculator miners can calculate how much computational power they need to mine. Make participation worth it.
  • Cloud Mining: Another option is to conclude a contract with a cloud mining service provider, these provide server farms and provide users with the corresponding compute capabilities required for mining. Mining cryptocurrencies for a period of time

“Mining” of cryptocurrencies Through providers, cloud mining has also become more attractive to individuals, interested parties can choose to use. cryptocurrencies Various models and algorithms involved depending on the provider.

Since cloud mining contracts can differ greatly depending on the provider, it is advisable to perform an accurate comparison of cloud providers. Readers can find descriptions of reputable companies in this field in our user overview. provide our service

General provisional conclusions about mining

Due to the increased difficulty in the mining process, computer resources are especially promising, in addition to mining with your own computer, there is also the opportunity to participate in mining. Mineral pools or to use the services of cloud providers, mining back-end also integrates with mining pools, available resources are efficiently utilized for successful mining participation. success

We will cover cloud mining in more detail below.

Now mine cryptocurrencies From the winner of the Genesis Mining test

What is cloud mining?

The time when private users were able to “mine” cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin with their own computers seems to be over. In any case, independent mining is becoming more and more difficult due to the high computing power required if you still want to mine. cryptocurrency On your own, you don’t need to be technically sophisticated. However, since in most cases it is no longer worth acting as a miner, it is possible to use cloud mining.

Note: Cloud mining is not to be confused with mining pool, multiple users work together by combining computing power, with cloud mining users rent or buy processing power or hardware from. Cloud Mining Providers These are paid through contracts, maintenance fees are often added but: in some cases, Cloud Mining Providers also work with different mining pools.

Cloud Mining: The Facts

  • With “Cloud Mining”, users buy or rent the computing power or hardware required for mining from cloud mining providers.
  • The cloud mining company performs the mining process for contract partners as part of the contract.
  • The compensation amount is the amount specified in the contract, there is also a fee for any maintenance which will be automatically deducted from the profit
  • Although attractive profits can be made with cloud mining. But there is an increased risk of loss here due to cryptocurrencies It is a very volatile currency.

In order to make cloud mining attractive for regular users, many cloud mining service providers have established themselves in the market, using various contracts, users can start the mining process at relatively low cost. Depending on the provider and currency chosen, both have lifetime contracts. (as long as the contract is profitable) and for a period of time The obvious advantage of cloud mining is that users do not need to provide their own hardware or computing power, cloud mining providers do all this.


Crypto Mining: Accurately Compare Cloud Mining Providers 2


HashFlare also offers cloud mining.

How does cloud mining work?

As a first step, interested parties must choose a cloud mining provider. Get an overview of our cost-effective cloud mining providers. He then visits the provider’s website and opens a customer account with the provider. Cloud mining comparison is always recommended. Since depending on the provider, the offers and conditions can vary greatly.

Depending on the selected provider, users can choose and conclude a mining contract and the corresponding computing power, after purchasing the provider’s hardware, cloud mining usually start generating coins immediately, however, for some providers. Contracts run out quickly so customers have to wait a few weeks or months in this case, more information can be found in our cloud mining provider review.

Coins mined by cloud mining can be transferred to your own wallet, the distribution takes place daily, weekly and also depends on the chosen provider, the cloud mining provider is also connected. Associates leased computing power with relevant mining pools, in this case users do not need to do anything after signing a cloud mining contract.

Now mine cryptocurrencies From the winner of the Genesis Mining test

Cloud mining has these advantages

For beginners especially, cloud mining companies offer lower barriers to mining. This is because they don’t require any software knowledge to have to set up a corresponding high-performance computer, nor do they need the proper hardware themselves. Therefore, it is not necessary to invest large sums of money before mining can begin. Just like the early days, individuals with small amounts of money can join mining.

Another benefit of cloud mining is the flexible use of the computing power provided by the cloud provider, if the business pays back the individual can reserve additional resources or contracts if necessary. It also allows flexible reactions to relevant market situations.

Advantages at a Glance

  • No prior technical knowledge required
  • No hardware and software purchase required
  • So no installation, maintenance or repair is required
  • The cloud mining provider takes care of the whole process after signing the contract.
  • Quick and easy registration on the provider website saves time and is easy to use.
  • Depending on the provider it is possible to mine. cryptocurrencies different
  • “Mining” is based on certain contracts


Crypto Mining: Accurately Compare Cloud Mining Providers 3


Features of our test winner Genesis Mining

This is the disadvantage of cloud mining

The lower investment costs and the resulting flexibility can be purchased by users from cloud mining providers through relevant contracts. However, in general, the following applies: More computational power also means more payouts. There are also contracts with different terms and maintenance costs required by most cloud service providers.

Another problem is the risk of cloud mining fraud. Users should search for information about the provider they buy computing power. In our comparison of cloud mining providers, only companies with Only reputable names are listed with their services, we also recommend reading related cloud mining experience reports to learn more about cloud mining companies.

Disadvantage Overview

  • As a rule, the profit is lower than with automatic mining of cryptocurrencies. cryptocurrencies
  • The initial investment usually pays off in a few weeks or months
  • In addition to the costs specified in the contract, there are also maintenance costs
  • There is a general risk of loss associated with volatile cryptocurrencies

general price development of cryptocurrency That is considered a general risk. The success of mining also depends on this. All that matters, because even if the cloud mining provider coordinates all processes very well and everything is done to the full satisfaction of the customer, one has to expect the value of cryptocurrencies to decrease, so it should. Note that the loss of funds is possible at any time, however the cryptocurrency involved must be (almost) completely worthless.

How much do you earn with cloud mining

Cloud mining income level depends on many factors. Above all, as mentioned above, the rate of the corresponding cryptocurrency plays a role. But the cost of cloud mining also plays a role. Most of them are fixed amounts which are determined by the corresponding contract. The cost depends on the one hand the chosen currency and on the other hand the duration of the contract and other fees charged by the provider.

Any fees for transferring or selling mined coins must be taken into account by the user, for example, if the mined coins are transferred from your wallet to another wallet or exchange, transaction fees are usually charged. This means that in addition to the pure cost of cloud mining, there may also be additional fees that reduce the returns.When choosing a cloud mining provider, make sure to be transparent about all costs and fees.

Now mine cryptocurrencies From the winner of the Genesis Mining test

The original concept of digital currency

The idea behind the cryptocurrency goes back to 1998. Wei Dai presented the basic idea on a cyberpunk mailing list, however, at that time the idea was not implemented due to the lack of technical requirements for this. Satoshi Nakamoto picked up this idea again and published the concept of digital currency – Bitcoin (“Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System”) in a white paper. The system should actually work “person to person” without the state or banks being able to intervene. The result is an innovative Bitcoin network (Bitcoin protocol), which is based on encryption.

On January 3, 2009, the first bitcoins were created electronically, it was Nakamoto himself. It’s unknown if it’s one person or the entire team to this day that “mined” the first 50 bits.

general information about cryptocurrency Bitcoin

Cryptocurrency is still relatively new, experimental and at the same time very expensive. The latter applies especially to the Bitcoin cryptocurrency market leader. It’s practical to keep moving forward for the next generation of payment transactions – at least when it comes to Bitcoin fans, because even an innovative and decentralized currency like Bitcoin has had to overcome some of the hurdles of the past to find a stablecoin. accept

To date, Bitcoin has a large number of supporters. But there are still many critics who speak of a threat to the financial system. The reason: neither the state nor the banks can intervene in the transactions that occur in the network. Bitcoin, although digital currency was somewhat derided at first. But it has become more dramatic especially in the past year, you can regularly read about it in the media, now banks have no choice but to look. cryptocurrency As a serious competitor to conventional currency, this is exactly what the Bitcoin company is working on.In addition to creating a new coin, Bitcoin will gain a permanent place in finance in the future as a payment method accepted in Germany.Currency Bitcoin is still not a common payment method, but other countries have made this Bitcoin.


Crypto Mining: Accurately Compare Cloud Mining Providers 4


HashFlare offers all different cloud mining packages.

So where can you buy bitcoins?

Bitcoins (and other cryptocurrencies) can not only be “mined” on the network, investors can purchase them at relevant markets and Internet exchanges, depending on the provider, those coins will either be bought by someone else (exchange) or bought. Directly from the provider at the current exchange rate, the price is always determined by supply and demand.

Note: due to cryptocurrencies As a digital currency, it is only available in the form of a wallet. (Digital wallet) to store coins which acts as an account for sending and receiving. cryptocurrencies

Comparison of Cloud Mining Providers

There are currently several cloud mining providers in the market that offer different services. It is very important that users familiarize themselves with the services and associated costs of the provider in advance, to be able to understand the concept of a provider, we have compared our readers with cloud mining providers at There are several reputable names with their services, these include two well-known companies HashFlare and Genesis. Mining, which has been operating successfully in the market for many years, both providers can mine. cryptocurrencies Different apart from Bitcoin, various contracts are offered with different terms, the customer must pay in advance, as soon as the contract is concluded, the selected cloud mining provider begins with the execution and execution. Participate in relevant mining processes